Get Facebook Dating Free App: How to Get Started on Facebook Dating App

Facebook dating site app has long been the go-to social media platform for online dating. And now, the company is deeply into making the most out of the free dating app feature.

The dating app FB offers users a new way to start conversations on the platform. Users can create a dating profile separate from their regular profile, and just like other dating apps, it uses algorithms to match users with potential dates.

To use the dating app FB, you will first need to enable the feature in your app. After that, create your dating profile.

FB allows you to choose whether to share your dating profile with friends or keep it separate from other accounts. Once set up, the matchmaker will begin suggesting potential matches for you.

Once you find someone of interest, you can begin a conversation. Dating app FB conversations take place in a separate inbox from regular FB chat app conversations.

The Facebook Dating App – Setting up a Facebook Dating Profile

Setting up your dating profile is essential if you want to start using the dating app FB. Here’s a short guide on how to do just that:

  • Log into your main account and go to the menu section
  • In the menu section, click the “Manage Your Dating Information” link or the heart icon representing the dating app to begin
  • After opening the app, you can customize your profile information, such as interests, education and work history.
  • Once satisfied with your profile, click the “Save Changes” button.

That’s it. Now you are all set to begin meeting new people through a free dating site on the social media platform.

Read also: FB online Dating: Reasons for losing access to Facebook Dating account & how to Recover

Dating App FB Features

Facebook’s free dating site allows you to create a separate profile from your regular profile and connect with other singles who also utilize it.

The dating app FB stands out from other dating apps with features such as seeing who has already liked you and adding FB friends to your Secret Crush list.

It stands out with its integration with Events and Groups. This means you can see if any singles are attending the same event as you or are members of the same group.

If you want to try out, sign up for FB dating through your main app.

How to use Facebook Dating

FB Dating is an opt-in feature, meaning you must first enable it in their settings before utilising it. In some countries that it is available, the FB dating app is available to individuals aged eighteen and over.

Once it is enabled:

  • You can create a dating profile separate from your regular profile. This profile should include your name, age, location, interests and photos.
  • The Facebook matchmaker will then suggest potential matches based on factors like mutual friends, interests and events that users have attended.
  • You have the power to like or pass on potential matches, and if you have a match, you can connect via the dating app FB, and begin a conversation.
  • This feature also allows you to set up dates directly within the app, making it simple to connect with potential matches.

Benefits of Facebook Dating

There are numerous advantages.

  • Starting, social media can be an excellent platform to meet new people. You can search for individuals based on interests, location, and relationship status.
  • Another advantage is getting acquainted with someone before meeting them in person. 
  • You are sure to view each other’s profiles, giving you a good indication of whether or not your personalities will mesh well.
  • On Facebook dating, you can control how much personal information you share. If you don’t feel comfortable disclosing your phone number or email address, that doesn’t have to happen.
  • Facebook dating can be an excellent way to meet new people and get acquainted before taking things further.