Get Facebook Dating App – How to get The FB dating app on your phone

Facebook Dating is a dedicated feature within the Facebook platform that allows users to discover potential romantic connections.

If you want to explore this feature and find potential matches, this article will guide you through getting the Facebook Dating app. By following these simple steps, you can join the millions of users who have embraced this exciting dating platform.

Update Your Facebook App 

To access Facebook Dating, you need to ensure that your Facebook app is up to date. Visit your device’s app store (Google Play Store for Android or App Store for iOS) and search for “Facebook.” If an update is available, click on the “Update” button. Once the update is complete, open the Facebook app.

Set Up Your Facebook Dating Profile

Within the Facebook app, locate the three horizontal lines (menu icon) on the top right corner of your screen (Android) or bottom right corner (iOS). Tap on the icon to open the menu options. Scroll down until you find “Dating”, and click on it. This will take you to the Facebook Dating homepage.

Follow the prompts to set up your dating profile. You’ll be asked to provide your gender, preferences, interests, and a brief bio. You can also upload photos from your Facebook profile or add new ones to your dating profile.

Adjust Your Dating Preferences 

Once your dating profile is set up, you can adjust your preferences to refine your potential matches. Facebook Dating allows you to specify factors like location, age range, and gender of the individuals you’re interested in. You can also choose whether you want to see matches that are friends of your Facebook friends or who are part of the same Facebook groups as you.

Explore and Interact with Matches 

Now that your profile is ready, you can start exploring potential matches. Facebook Dating suggests matches based on your preferences and mutual interests. Browse through the profiles and click on the “Like” button if you’re interested in someone or the “Pass” button if you’re not.

You will be notified of the match if you and another user express interest in each other. From there, you can start a conversation by sending a message or responding to their prompts or photos.

Utilize Facebook Dating Features 

Facebook Dating offers additional features to enhance your dating experience. These include adding Instagram posts to your dating profile, the Secret Crush feature to select up to nine Facebook friends you’re interested in, and the ability to share your upcoming Facebook Events or Groups on your dating profile.

Privacy and Safety Considerations 

When using Facebook Dating or any online dating platform, it’s important to prioritize your privacy and safety. Take advantage of the privacy settings within the app to control who can see your dating profile and personal information. Be cautious when sharing personal details or meeting someone in person for the first time. Trust your instincts and report any suspicious or inappropriate behavior to Facebook.


Getting the Facebook Dating app is a simple process that starts with updating your Facebook app. You can make the most of this dating platform by setting up your dating profile, adjusting your preferences, exploring matches, and utilizing the features available. Remember to prioritize privacy and safety while interacting with others online. Embrace the opportunity to connect with potential romantic partners within your extended Facebook community and enjoy the experience of finding meaningful connections through the Facebook Dating app.